Interview Tips

  • Find all the details of the company, its board of directors and other such details before the interview.
  • Make up a small list of important things to carry to the interview with you.
  • Make sure you can describe "who you are" in maximum 30-45 seconds. You do not need to explain each and every project in details. Interviewer is only looking to find out who you are.
  • Create a list of good questions to ask the employer. Asking questions shows your eagerness to take over the work and post with full responsibility.
  • Make sure you are comfortable with every line on your resume.
  • Proper attire is the key to creating the perfect first impression while attending an interview. Dress conservatively and avoid the use of strong perfume, cologne, or heavy makeup.
  • Your interview is your time to sell yourself. Use it aptly by introducing yourself with a smile and firm handshake, maintaining good eye contact with the employer and showing a genuine interest in his concerns.
  • Listen cautiously to the employer's question and if required take a small pause before answering difficult questions. This will demonstrate your good listening skills and verbal communication skills.
  • Show your problem solving skills and positivity by answering positively to negative questions.
  • Maintain interview ethics and provide them with only the correct information and qualification details.
  • Do not discuss salary figures unless initiated by the employer. Take initiative and try to know the next step for you after the interview.

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